Methodist in the Media

Council Bluffs Woman, Jennie Edmundson Implore Women to Get Back on Track With Mammograms

Published: Jan. 7, 2020

Donna Elliff acknowledges that prior to her last mammogram, she was like so many other women in regard to her breast health.

She’d occasionally complete self-checks, and sometimes get into the doctor -- not every year though. Heading into her early 60s, however, she decided it was a good move to schedule an examination at Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital, even though she didn’t feel any lumps or irregularities.

In August 2019, a lump was found in one of Elliff’s breasts. It was still in Stage 1, but if she hadn’t made the decision to visit the hospital she said she fears the situation would have been much worse.

“I’m just so glad I went in, because they caught it early and it was curable,” Elliff said. “I still had to go through hell, but I’m still here, and that mammogram was so important because it was able to detect it and then I was able to treat it.

The Daily Nonpareil: Bluffs woman, Jennie Ed implore women to get back on track with mammograms