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Community Counseling Program Counselors

Our team of licensed mental health practitioners provides accessible and affordable behavioral health care where you live, work and learn.
Photo of DaeJanira LynCook, MS, LMHP, counselor with the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program in Omaha, NE.

DaeJanira LynCook, MS, LMHP

For DaeJanira LynCook, MS, LMHP, nothing is more rewarding than seeing a client make a breakthrough on their journey toward mental well-being.

“It’s a powerful reminder of the positive impact of counseling and the potential for transformation in people’s lives,” said LynCook, who sees clients through the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program. “Those moments fuel my passion for my work and reinforce my commitment to helping others reach their goals.”

Her interest in behavioral health grew from seeing the limited number of African Americans in the field.

“Representation matters,” she said. “I was inspired to bridge the gap and promote cultural inclusivity in mental health support.”

LynCook is passionate about serving children, adolescents and women and mothers who have experienced trauma. Whatever a client’s challenge, they can expect a comfortable, collaborative environment.

“Their care will be grounded in genuine empathy, respect and a commitment to their well-being,” she said. “They can expect a safe, confidential and nonjudgmental space where their unique needs and concerns are valued. I want to empower them to navigate challenges, find resilience and ultimately lead more fulfilling lives.”